Being Me
Aeryn's PodVlog
Using Apps for Self-Care as a Neurodiverse Person | Not Selling My Soul to My Phone

Using Apps for Self-Care as a Neurodiverse Person | Not Selling My Soul to My Phone

A vlog about spirituality and looking after myself in isolation

Using apps for self-care as a neurodiverse person and not selling my soul to my phone. A vlog about healthy smart phone use. Turning it into a tool that actually helps; and finding apps that work with me instead of trying to lead me, or manipulate me.

This vlog was recorded 2022-05-31 20:09

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#Neurodiverse #Apps #SmartPhones #Creativity #Spirituality #SpiritualBypassing #Disability #Accessibility #Tiimo #ToxicSpirituality #ConspiracyTheories #Ascension #SpiritualAbusers #Tech #Productivity #Depression #Anxiety #Instagram #Vlog

Being Me
Aeryn's PodVlog
A podcast / vlog / journal - about healing, trauma, spirituality, mental health, and learning to be a human.
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Aeryn North